Recep ivedik soru sor APK is a popular mobile application in comedy style Recep Ivedic, directed by actor Sahan Gokbakar. This app combines entertainment and trivia, allowing fashion fans to enjoy a fun and interactive experience. Users can test their knowledge on a variety of topics, often presented with Recep Ivedic's humor and personality.
What is Recep ivedik soru sor APK?
"Recep ivedik soru sor APK", also known as "Recep Abiye Sor - Cevapların Recebi", is a mobile application based on the famous image of Recep Ivedik. Developed by TırTılSoft, the application allows users to ask simple yes or no questions to a virtual version of Recep Ivedik, who answers in his humorous style. Questions range from real-world dilemmas to future predictions, but the app can't handle general knowledge questions.
Recep ivedik soru sor APK Features:
- Funny questions: The app funnily presents questions, reflecting the humor of Recep Ivedik's films.
- Multiple Categories: Users can choose from multiple categories and prepare different questions and topics.
- Interactive games: These apps provide engaging and interactive experiences, encouraging users to think on their feet and enjoy fun content.
- Music: Narrated by Sahan Gokbaker, this app enhances the user experience with authentic conversations.
- Leaderboards and Challenges: Users can compete with friends and other fans to achieve high scores and complete various challenges.
- Ease of use: The user interface is designed simply and intuitively so that fans of all ages can enjoy the app.
This app is a must-have for series fans who love trivia and humor games featuring the characters of one of Turkey's favorite characters.
User experience:
- Interaction: The app engages users with unique character responses to maintain engagement and fun.
- Funny and Relaxed: Perfect for those who want to relax and enjoy a sense of humor.
- Connect with fans: The best way for fans of the Recep Ivedik series to connect with their favorite characters in movies and shows.
In short, Recep ivedik soru sor APK is a fun mobile application that brings Recep Ivedic humor directly into the hands of its users so that they can understand the wisdom and humor of the person in a new approach and interaction.
डाउनलोड Recep ivedik soru sor APK Casual श्रेणी में स्थित है और TırTılSoft's द्वारा विकसित किया गया था। हमारी वेबसाइट पर औसत रेटिंग 4.5 से बाहर निकल रही है। आवेदन का एक बेहतर विचार प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। यदि आप Recep ivedik soru sor APK के बारे में अधिक जानना चाहते हैं, तो आप अधिक जानकारी के लिए आधिकारिक डेवलपर वेबसाइट पर जा सकते हैं। औसत रेटिंग 14246 उपयोगकर्ताओं द्वारा रेट की गई है। ऐप को 25 उपयोगकर्ताओं द्वारा 1-स्टार और 6750 उपयोगकर्ताओं द्वारा 5-स्टार दर्जा दिया गया था। ऐप को कम से कम 859 बार डाउनलोड किया गया है, लेकिन डाउनलोड की संख्या 17180 तक पहुंच सकती है। Recep ivedik soru sor APK डाउनलोड करें यदि आपको अपने एक्शन डिवाइस के लिए एक मुफ्त ऐप की आवश्यकता है, लेकिन आपको इस ऐप को स्थापित करने के लिए 5.0+ संस्करण या उच्चतर की आवश्यकता है।